Open Top

Open top service is usually a temporary service for contractors building new buildings and demolition projects. However, open tops are also used to collect green waste, cardboard, and general waste for hauling to the appropriate disposal site or recycling facility.

These containers are available in 10, 20 and 30 cubic yard capacities. Open top vehicles are also used for hauling compactors from the customer’s location to the landfill and back.

All waste must be segregated by type of waste for disposal at the correct facility. Wastes that must be separated are cardboard, green waste, construction/demolition, metals, and general household wastes.

The haul rates vary for open tops and compactors depending on how far your facility is located from the disposal site. In general, open tops are only economical for very large quantities of waste debris. The Department of Transportation enforces a ten-ton maximum on these open top vehicles. Maui Disposal employees will help you in determining the size of the open top to fit your needs.

Maui Disposal Company Open Top
The 10 yd roll off is a special container not only for tight areas and small spaces but also for heavier debris. By utilizing this container for heavy products such as dirt, concrete, asphalt shingles, etc., you can manage the weight of the load in the container.

Open Top

Open Top Container

Cubic Yards


